These institutions prepare high-level expert forum in Rome on 12 to 13 Oktober about "How the World Food in 2050" and plans to collect 300 specialists from academic, non-governmental and private institutions. This forum will pave the way for the World Summit on Food Security in Rome on 16 to 18 November. World population is estimated to grow from 6.8 billion today to 9.1 billion by 2050, according to the latest UN estimates. Almost all population growth will occur in developing countries. Demand for food is expected to grow as a result of increased income and population growth. Cereal production has increased by nearly one billion tonnes from 2.1 billion today and meat production will grow by more than 200 million tons to reach a total of 470 million tons in 2050.
FAO estimates that biofuel production can also increase the demand for agricultural commodities, depending on energy prices and government policies. FAO estimates that arable land will extend approximately 120 million hectares in developing countries, especially in Africa and Latin America. Meanwhile, fertile soil that is used in developed countries is estimated to decline approximately 50 million hectares, although this can be changed by the demand for biofuels.
Globally, there is still enough land to feed the world population in the future, but most of the land potentially suitable for only a few plants, and the FAO warned other difficulties, such as chemical and physical constraints, endemic diseases and lack of infrastructure. Such problems will require significant investment. FAO says some countries in the Near East, North Africa and South Asia have reached or will soon reach the limits of the available land.
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