Why do you need to manage finances? Perhaps you have in your mind that not spending more than income or savings. But when you hear the word austerity, you might think as hear the word diet, as if not to enjoy life. When you manage finances properly, you will know how much money goes in and out, and where it goes. So there was no surprise "Why, my money was gone, yes,?" Better yet, you'll have the cash on hand to purchase such as a car, a house down payment, or renovation.
Financial management integrated in a single mobile application is necessary for you to consider, which will be easier and faster to track income, expenses, savings and investment performance. Application of private capital can aide you manage your money by giving you a holistic view of all your accounts in quick time. This allows for you to see where you can save money by identifying the cost of mutual funds.
Application of Personal Capital for mobile application available on iPhone, iPad and Android, allows you to access all your financial accounts in one view aggregate. Growth assets are presented in the format users, beautifully concise, and clear. Account of the different formats investments (such as mutual funds, stocks, money market accounts, checking / savings) that integrates easily. Private investment advisors are available to provide services Additional account management for a fee of 1% low, but the app itself is 100% free.
Aspects of Personal Capital most useful and I like is Investment Check Up, which would be faster I know the level of risk and applicable fees. Using a mobile phone application of Personal Capital available features then we will be much easier to manage and keep track of any changes that improved financial conditions will be stable and the amount of money would be optimal.
Personal Capital allows you to track your income and spending, see your largest expenses, and easily view your transactions with Personal Capital Cash Manager. Please sign up and download the Personal Capital App for iPhone, iPad mobile devices and it is compatible to your Android device.
1. Portfolio Performance
Tracking your investment account, asset class or individual security. Knowing what you have and how it is performing. With the soon to know how to drive the market and your portfolio.
2. Asset Allocation
2. Asset Allocation
Find out with just one click. Discover where you're invested, from international stocks to bonds, from alternatives to cash. Find the exact percentage of each asset class within your portfolio.
3. Mobile App opportunities
3. Mobile App opportunities
Keep track of your finances at home and on the go with mobile apps make it easy to see your account balances and transactions, plus investment performance and market gainers and losers - no matter where you are.
4. Investment Check Up
4. Investment Check Up
Personal Capital financial experts found a way to electronically pinpoint potential investment risks within your portfolio. Identify mutual fund fees and see if you're on par with your financial goals. It's free and it it only takes a few seconds.
5. 401k Free Organizer
5. 401k Free Organizer
Find out if you're paying too much in 401k fees. We'll benchmark your 401k against our own 0.5% plan and determine whether your plan is Red (over 2%), Yellow (1.01%-2%); or Green (1% and below). Then we'll help you do something about it.
6. Mutual Fund Fee Calculator
6. Mutual Fund Fee Calculator
Instantly know just how much your investments are costing you. Personal Capital Mutual Fund Fee Calculator shows you just how much investment fees could cost you over time.
7. Universal Check Up
7. Universal Check Up
Send money to anyone, anywhere with just a few swipes and taps on your smartphone or tablet. Personal Capital's Universal Checkbook is easy to use - just enroll any one of your checking accounts by taking a snapshot of a paper check. Save time and a stamp.