Saturday, December 11, 2010

Prince Who Like Comfort Women and Booze

U.S. diplomats in the diplomatic cable leaked by WikiLeaks, describes the world of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll behind formal piety kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The U.S. Consulate in Jeddah, officials described a Halloween party underground, which was held last year by a member of the royal family, who hit all the rules in Muslim countries. Liquor and prostitutes were present in abundance, according to leaks that, behind the gates of the heavily guarded villa.

The party was organized by a wealthy prince from a large family of Al-Thunayan. The diplomats said the identity must be kept secret. "Alcohol, although it is forbidden by Saudi law and customs, are very abundant in the party bar with a complete collection. Bartender from the Philippines were hired to serve cocktails sadiqi, a locally-made liquor," the cable said. Also known by word of mouth that the number of guests at the party is a trollop, something which is unusual for such a party.

Shipment information from U.S. diplomats, signed by the U.S. consul in Jeddah, Martin Quinn, who added, "Although not directly witnessed the incident, cocaine and marijuana use in general in such social environment." Underground party is "growing and throbbing" in Saudi Arabia because of the protection of the Saudi kingdom, said the cable. But such a party is only available behind closed doors and for the very wealthy. There are at least 10,000 princes in the kingdom. Some still a direct descendant of King Abdul Aziz, while others come from families that do not branch directly.

The diplomats who attended the party were reported, more than 150 Saudi men and women, mostly aged 20 and 30 years, attended the party. Protection of the kingdom means anxiety will seduce the religious police become impossible. People who enter controlled through a strict guest list. "Scene like a night club anywhere outside of the kingdom: a lot of alcohol, young couples dancing, a DJ on turntables and everyone dressed up." Leak that said the shelf in the bar where the party shows the kinds of famous liquor.

The diplomats were also trying to explain why the host was so sticky with bodyguards Nigeria, some of which are on guard at the door. Most of the security forces of the prince is a young man of Nigeria. It is a common practice among the Saudi princes to grow with the guards hired from Nigeria or other African countries that young age, the same age as the prince was, and will remain together with the prince until adulthood, together a long time to create an intense bond of loyalty. A Saudi young man told the diplomats that the big party is the new trend. Until a few years ago, he said, weekend activities only in the form of "dating" in small groups that meet in homes of rich people. According to leaks, several luxury homes in Jeddah has a basement bar, discos and clubs.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Large Cars use the Rear Camera

The cars that are large will be required to install cameras in the back of their car later. This is to avoid the increase in car accidents in the United States. Department of Transportation in the United States was a deliberation on laws that regulate back rearview camera that features a standard feature alias feature mandatory for large cars, like SUVs, passenger cars and pick-up double cabin.

It is expected that this law will soon be resolved, so that by 2014, behind the camera became mandatory feature in all cars in the U.S.. "Through this legislation, we hope there will be no more accidents involving parents or guardians of children who hit the children who were playing while removing the car from the garage because they do not see the situation behind the car," said U.S. Transportation Department Secretary, Ray LaHoodm.

In the U.S., recording some 300 people died and 18,000 people a serious accident was backing away from a car crash. This incident occurred mostly in the parking lot and on the highway. About half of the total number of deaths are children under the age of five.

Research In Motion to Invite the Developers to PlayBook

Research In Motion (RIM) to invite the developers to develop applications that will run on the tablet platform PlayBook. RIM to invite developers to offer their applications which will be used in the PlayBook, which is planned to be sold by early 2011. RIM added that developers will be approved for distribution in the BlackBerry App World, before the launch of the BlackBerry PlayBook in North America.

"Attention and the momentum behind our PlayBook BlackBerry continues to wake up and we are very pleased with the positive response from both the developer community and our customers. With the innovative performance and strong support for the development of industry standard tools, the BlackBerry PlayBook provides a tremendous platform attractive for many mobile application developers, including Adobe AIR and Flash developers, as well as HTML web developers, corporate developers and fan applications, "said Tyler Lessard, VP Global Alliances and Developer Relations at Research In Motion.

"We are very pleased to be working with developers before the launch of the product and the opening of the BlackBerry App World to accept applications PlayBook BlackBerry, which is an important next step" he added. RIM also recently released an update to the Beta version of the Tablet OS BlackBerry SDK for Adobe AIR. Update now supports Flash Builder 4.5 (Burrito / Flex Mobile) with plug-ins that work well Builder Flash 4.0 or pre-release version of the Flash Builder Burrito. Support for Flash Builder Burrito adds drag and drop capabilities, making it easier and faster for developers to build applications for the BlackBerry guidelines. The latest beta of the SDK also supports Windows 64-bit and including simulator for Linux.

Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients is Important To Do

Caring for stroke patients seem simple, but sometimes difficult, expertise and care is needed in caring for stroke patients at home. Stroke remains a major problem and the number of sufferers is increasing. In the United States there are 700,000 new patients each year. Meanwhile, the prevalence of stroke in Indonesia, according to data from the Ministry of Health increased sharply. Stroke ranks third initially, is now the number one cause of death in Indonesia and have been through illnesses that have dominated as the cause of most deaths in Indonesia, namely cancer and heart disease.

Neurologist from the Department of Neurology Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Asaad Suhatno Teguh Ranakusuma SpS (K) says, stroke is a disease that is identified with or attack came suddenly. Stroke is a general term for disorders of brain function due to the failure of brain blood circulation due to vascular disorders or in the brain. "Besides causing death, stroke is also a major cause of disability," he said. The increasing prevalence of stroke in Indonesia can not be separated from changes in lifestyle due to economic progress.

Strokes usually occur through a long preparation of the risk factors that can not be controlled or modified and the actual risk factors can be controlled. Many people who have limited knowledge about stroke so that not a few also which means that the incidence of stroke is "paralyzed half of the body" a sudden. That's what hurt the patient because it will be a delay in early diagnosis and evaluation. From the same delay, then the impact is different. After coming back from the hospital, many stroke patients who have undergone a rehabilitation program at home.

Rehabilitation starts since the stroke, as soon as possible to perform maintenance. Care at home do when the threat to life is negative or no significant complications. Many times when a stroke patient to go home, still experienced residual symptoms of a stroke, such as loss of function hemiplegia circumstances or there are also patients who go home with a state of total rest, loss of communication or difficulty speaking, and others. Handling physiotherapy stroke is an absolute requirement for patients to improve the ability of motion and function.

To perform rehabilitation at home, the family should be given training on practical patient care in the home. This treatment can be simple because there is little problem. However, it can also be complicated because of problems that exist in a patient can be varied or complex. Mental readiness of all family members of stroke patients need to be considered by the medical staff and paramedics. That is, when the patient is still hospitalized, then the doctors and nurses need to introduce mental preparation to the families of patients from an early age.

Introduction to mental preparation should be presented in a wise, do not be scare for all members of stroke patients to understand the intricacies of the change in proportion of patients. Generally, the things that need to be considered by the patient's family, among other linguistic or grammatical disorder described as a decline and dysfunction in the content, form, language usage, and associated with cognitive processes, incontinence, depression, irritability, pain, spasticity , difficulty sleeping and swallowing, decubitus.

Perform activities that patients feel there is variation in life, such as social activities such as family gatherings, sports or gymnastics mild stroke. With activities like this, then the patient's recovery can be quickly accomplished. Sexual needs also need to be considered and this does need to be interpreted as sexual intercourse between husband and wife, but also the psychological needs of this sex can be love of a husband or wife or the patient feel cared for and appreciated or not left in solitude.

In certain cases, the family may experience difficulties or psychological pressure because of changes in patients with a difficult temperament is understood and controlled. That is why families must have the patience and understanding when caring for stroke patients at home. Although it looks trivial, facilities stroke patients who were treated at home should also be considered, such as rooms or beds with light and good air flow, blender, and tools to eat and drink, aids for walking, and if the family is quite capable, then the treatment at home can be assisted by experts.

"Families who do not understand how to care for stroke patients at home, could slow the recovery, could even worsen the situation of stroke patients. That is why education, compassion, and concern for patient care must be grown for those who care for stroke patients, "said Professor Teguh. Education for families of stroke patients on procedures for handling stroke patients at home will be very useful in restoring the ability of motion and function in patients after stroke.

Nobel Peace Prize Award Winner is Not Known in His Country

Liu Xiaobo may be very well known in international circles for its efforts know no weariness campaigned for human rights and democracy in China. But ironically, the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize is actually not very well known in his own country. If we asked someone crossing the street in China and asked about Liu, the first reaction that most often arises is: "Who?"

Such a response indicates the Chinese government attempts to erase memories of its people will bloody incident in Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989 has been running quite effectively. "I think ever heard about Liu on television, but I'm not sure," said Ma Junpeng a career woman. Ma Junpeng just shrugged his shoulders when she told Liu was the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. The award was obtained thanks to his efforts to encourage greater political freedoms in China since 1989.

"It makes no sense to give awards to people like that, everything is different now from what happened in 1989. The idea of people a lot has changed. China has changed. People like Liu are irrelevant with the conditions of China today", she said. China set 11 years imprisonment for Liu at Christmas last year on charges of committing criminal subversion. Liu deemed guilty of writing 'Charter 08', a petition to support political reform in China.