Over the last three months of the BlackBerry sold over 14.1 million units, this result has increased 33 percent from the previous quarter. While shipments Playbook, only able to send as many as 150 thousand units.
Although up from the previous quarter, in truth what is obtained by the RIM is not too good compared to the same quarter in previous year. In the same quarter last year, RIM's successful BlackBerry shipped 14.2 million units, or a decline of 100 thousand units this year. So also with the Playbook, which even the previous quarter was able to sell 200 thousand units of tablets.
Canadian-based company was founded has seen decline in the BlackBerry market share in recent years due to the presence of new entrants such as Apple's iPhone and Google Android platform. Even in 2006, successful BlackBerry smartphone market share of 50 percent, currently in the third quarter of 2011, the BlackBerry OS platform only 8 percent.
The results are less satisfactory, of course, makes co-CEO Lazaridis of RIM Jim Balsille and apologized for the poor performance of enterprise IT. They were immediately punished by reducing his salary to $ 1 a year. "We ask for your patience and confidence. We realize that we are not meeting expectations," said Lazaridis
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