Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Google will do the Mobile Revolution

Google CEO Eric Schmidt said the Mountain View, headquarters of Google, is preparing to spearhead a mobile revolution that will help redefine the role of the smartphone. According to Eric Schmidt, the handset will soon be able to provide streaming of personal information ranging from "where you are and what you can do over there" in real time.

But the CEO admits that Google's first phase need to do some endorsement that requires serious preparation, such as developing advanced LTE network to carry the burden of data which is of course inevitable. "What is needed is approximately 10 times what we have today, which will lead to new applications and creative, most fun and social,"wrote Eric Schmidt in an article in a recent Harvard Business Review.

Eric Schmidt also stressed that Google is interested in promoting the use of mobile devices as a financial tool that serious and safe. "The phone, as we know, under-utilized countries. But we want for the transaction can be done through a handheld device, so that consumers can go far," he added. Finally, Eric Schmidt noted that Google wanted to increase the availability of low-cost smartphone on the whole of the world. "Can you imagine how this would change their consciousness about local and global information," said Eric.

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