This corpse flower blooms are rare events. The same new plant will bloom again within the next 4 years. Amorphophallus titanum flower that blooms this time is a collection that was taken from the territory of Lahat, South Sumatra in 2009. Inflorescence is the first time for the individual during the growing interest in the Bogor Botanical Gardens.
Meanwhile, the corpse flower inflorescence at the Bogor Botanical Gardens was the umpteenth time. Noted, carrion flower inflorescence has occurred since 1942. Currently Amorphophallus titanum is still a bud will bloom with more than 50 cm high. Section protector flowers light green while the cob purple flowers.
Amorphophallus titanum is endemic flower of Sumatra, Indonesia. This interest was first described scientifically by an Italian botanist, Odoardo Beccari, in 1878. This type of carrion flower is just one of 25 types of flowers Amorphophallus genus in Indonesia and 18 species of endemic genera Indonesia.
Researchers from the corpse flower Bogor Botanical Gardens, said, "corpse flower is always interesting to watch because it's always different every individual." For researchers, the corpse flower inflorescence can be an opportunity to examine phenology, for example, how the flowers bloom, specifically the time and direction of inflorescence. Specifically, the corpse flower that blooms this time will be a giant flower preservation study tool. The plan, the preservation program will be conducted through cooperation with South Korea.
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