Thursday, November 19, 2009

Technopreneur Pose Nude for Fundraising

Technopreneur Pose There's just the way the perpetrators of information technology in the UK to raise the social funds. For the sake of it, as many as 24 entrepreneurs in the field of IT or technopreneur willing to be photographed naked in a calendar entitled Tech Nude Calendar 2010.

They certainly did not pose porn though no one piece of cloth attached to the body. Wrap cable, books, laptops, servers and even become accessories to cover the body parts are sensitive. There is also a group of men who bare as if he were serious conduct meetings.

Throughout the calendar proceeds will be donated to fund Take Heart India programs, computer training for disabled children in India. Not only that, the initiator of this crazy idea, Milo Yianopolous, also wanted to illustrate that the IT industry is not as stiff as described so far.

"Someone suggested this idea as a joke, and I thought why not," said the Telegraph quoted Yianopolous like. According to him, not difficult to invite the pioneers of the IT business to engage in fund-raising projects like that. He hopes, the calendar can be sold at least 5,000 copies and was soon presented in iPhone applications. Calendar sells for £ 10 per copy and is only sold in the market online Firebox.

"I think today's IT players become stars and hope this calendar to help them celebrate the madness," said Hermione Way, founder of which became one of the calendar models.

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