Saturday, January 15, 2011

Firefox 4 will be Launched in February

Damon Sicore, Senior Director of Platform Engineering from Mozilla, predicts that Firefox 4 will be officially launched in February. "We have worked hard for Firefox 4, and it's now time to release it. I see the expectation and excitement at every release us. Firefox 4 going great. You must be proud with the latest Firefox." said Damon.

Another beta version will also be present launched before the release of Firefox 4, which will be launched in late February. "We want everyone to help the process of testing this browser. Do not turn off Flash, Silverlight or any other plug-ins, as we want as many people as possible to test it. For Windows users, we need to know if you are affected by the influence of hardware acceleration, which can cause crashes or other problems," explained Damon. Firefox is now the most popular browser in Europe, and the latest version later, clearly can help to maintain these positions.

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