Today, I did repair the client's computer, where there are many problems. Corrupt the operating system because it failed to update, and also saved a lot of Virus in the file system. To repair Windows XP operating system these damaged I threw some system files and make modifications to the registry. System restore is not available because all the tools in the disable and the hidden, is enough to make me a little inconvenience. But all my problems could be overcome by using other tools that I downloaded from a trusted site. By using the supporting tools such as registry tools, registry cleaners all the problems on the operating system can be found and corrected.
Repair Windows XP operating system that has infected the Virus is not easy and required little hard work, but it could be overcome if we have additional tools to bring back important files have been hidden by the Virus. Now operating system issues on client computers can be repaired and was operating normally again. The problem that one has been completed, but now I have another problem, which the Windows XP operating system on my laptop a little trouble, the Virus tries to inject the operating system via a flash drive that I use to transfer support tools to improve the client computer. Beyond my expectations were a flash drive has been infected, and existing Anti-Virus on my laptop did block the Virus that tried to inject the operating system.
But it was pretty vicious Virus despite being on the block by Anti-Virus is still trying to escape and was detected by Windows XP security system, this Virus attacked repeatedly through all the files that have been infected, a result of the actions that Windows XP operating system Blue Screen displays to avoid system damage caused by the Virus. Several times a Windows XP operating system has blue screen every time I plug in a USB flash drive port, Anti-Virus scanning do not complete because the Windows XP operating system detects something harmful. The Virus is quite fierce, although the Anti-Virus has done block still trying to penetrate the security system of Windows XP. To overcome this problem I did update the drivers and security for Windows XP blue screen does not happen again. After the update Windows XP security system, Anti-Virus can complete the task perfectly to remove all the Viruses that are stored on flash drives.
virus Virus.Win32.Virut.ce" & "
Worm.Win32.AutoRun.qnf" which has been detected by the Anti-Virus, the Virus attacked repeatedly by changing the spread to all the existing folders and converted to *. exe, and several *. exe programs have also been injected. Not only that done by this Virus, all folders that have their "super hidden" and we can not see it. To display the normal return all the missing folders, I use MSDOS command
E: \>attrib -s -h *.* / s / d , and the results returned to normal as before. So soon update computer security systems on a regular basis to avoid large losses which may occur without our underlying, and strengthen the security system to avoid the vicious Virus with Anti-Virus.