Sunday, January 17, 2010

Google has the Support of Chinese Citizens

Google's decision to stop censorship in the service of his search engine in China has the support of the citizens of China. Flowers and greeting cards continue to flow into Google's office in appreciation for the courage Google it. "I'm not a big fan of Google, but I wanted to show appreciation for the fact that Google refused to censor," said City of Beijing residents, placing flower arrangements in front of Google, in an interview.  Residents who brought the article relating generally supports Google steps against the imposition of government censorship China applies especially to the political issues and human rights.

One card is inserted in the bouquet of flowers mentioned in China's language roughly means "Google: real man". However, not a few who also expressed disappointment. They were disappointed because the Google service then endangered close if the government of China is not allowed to operate without censors. So many flowers that flow, until the overwhelmed security forces to remove him. However, residents queue to show sympathy for Google continues to flow. The security guard at the Science Park which became Google's office in Beijing to call it as a campaign "Flower Illegal Donation". Earlier, on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Google is officially stop the sensors on search results.

This is a form of protest to the government of China has been accused of initiating a coordinated attack against the infrastructure of Google and other companies in the U.S. in an effort to theft and copyright information. Government of China is also accused of spying on emails and human rights activists conduct routine monitoring illegally.  Google still will discuss his desire to operate without government censorship in China. If not allowed, is not impossible that Google was forced to close its services, including offices in China.

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